Surveillance Goes Viral (with Chris Gilliard and Jasmine McNealy)
/Chris Gilliard and Jasmine McNealy join the WBI team to discuss the privacy implications of surveillance enacted during COVID-19 containment measures and what it means for the world to rely on social media and Zoom video conferencing to mediate most relationships outside of their home.
Hosts: J. Khadijah Abdurahman
Guests: Chris Gilliard and Jasmine McNealy
Links for Episode:
To Track Virus, Governments Weigh Surveillance Tools That Push Privacy Limits
Athena Claims Its AI Security Camera Platform Can Detect Coronavirus
Digital Humanity: Social Media Content Moderation and the Global Tech Workforce in the COVID-19 Era Sarah T. Roberts / University of California, Los Angeles
ZOOM PRIVACY POLICYTech’s ‘Dirty Secret’: The App Developers Sifting Through Your Gmail
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